Frequently Asked Question
After surgery, you may not need a follow-up appointment unless there are any complications or concerns. Most scrotal wounds heal well without problem. We do appreciate you calling our office within 24-48 hours on your progress. One of our nurses may do the same.

- Experienced Surgeon
- 99% success rate (if sperm present during surgery)
- Over 40 years of experience
- Hundreds of Google reviews by satisfied patients
About 500,000 vasectomies are performed in United States each year and about 7% change their mind and undergo vasectomy reversal. Recent advances in the technology and expertise have made it possible to achieve high success rates in vasectomy reversal.
Microsurgical technique is an essential element towards success of vasectomy reversal. Only a handful of dedicated micro-surgeons who have enough patient volume to perform this delicate procedure on regular basis can provide a desirable outcome. At Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago, using state of the art operative microscope, we are committed to restore the patency of vas deferens.
Dr Agha is a Board-certified Urologist with primary focus on the male infertility. He has been performing vasectomy reversals for over 25 years on a regular basis. He uses an extremely high end computerized operating microscope which facilitates this extremely delicate operation. Microsurgical technique is an essential element towards success of vasectomy reversal. Only a handful of dedicated micro-surgeons who have enough patient volume to perform this delicate procedure on regular basis can provide a desirable outcome. At Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago, using state of the art operative microscope, we are committed to restore the patency of vas deferens with 99% success rates if the sperm are detected during surgery.Our center offers a no surprise fixed cost. Our patient’s testimonials and Google review attest to our reputation
If the sperm are found during surgery, our success (defined by the presence of sperm in the semen after reversal) is above 99%.
Vasectomy reversal can be performed even after many years of the blockage. However,the longer the time interval from the vasectomy, the lower the success rates. The chances that sperm will be discovered during surgery vary with time since vasectomy (95 % 1-3 years, 80-85% 4-7 years and 70-75% 8-14 years).