
Dear Visitor,
Thank you for visiting the Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago and for your interest in our practice. The following information will answer most of the commonly asked questions related to vasectomy reversal.

About Us

Our center at 600 Enterprise Drive, Suite 218, Oak Brook IL 60523, is conveniently located about 15 minutes from O'Hare and about 20 minutes from downtown Chicago. Dr. Agha, who will perform your surgery, is a Board-Certified Urologist and has been performing these procedures since 1996. We perform 1-2 reversals per week on average.

The Surgery

The surgery is performed in our office operating room under local anesthesia. We use a high-end Leica operating microscope to perform this microsurgery

The surgery takes approximately 3 hours. After the surgery, you may ride in a car with someone. You may want to take a week off from work. You are advised against strenuous and sexual activity for about 3 weeks after surgery. Dr. Agha will prescribe antibiotics and pain pills for the post-operative period. Also, you will be given an order for semen analysis to be performed at your local hospital or fertility clinic. The results of the semen test can be discussed on the phone or zoom.

Chances of Success

If sperm are detected during the surgery, our success rate is more than 99%. The chances that sperm are found during surgery vary with time since vasectomy (90% between 1-3 years, 80-85% between 4-7 years, and 70-75% between 8-14 years). Pregnancy rates are lower than these numbers as a host of male and female factors come into play even when sperms are present in the semen after the reversal.

How to Proceed

Once you have decided to have a reversal, the following will ensue.
Consultation: Dr. Agha will offer a phone or Zoom consultation on request for any unanswered questions. Those who wish to have an office consultation are also welcome.
Prior to consultation, you will receive a link to fill in the registration form.
A $250.00 fee is charged for consultation. This fee is applied to the total cost of the procedure if the reversal surgery is scheduled and performed with us within 6 months of consultation. This fee is not refundable after the service has been provided.
Scheduling the Procedure: After the consultation, at your convenience, you can call or email us to schedule your procedure. Our reversal coordinator will facilitate the process.

Cost of Reversal

The all-inclusive cost for the procedure is $7,400.00. A deposit of $500.00 is required at the time of scheduling and the balance is due 2 weeks before the surgery in the form of a Certified check payable to Arif Agha, MD. A 3% convenience fee is applicable for all credit card transactions.


If after scheduling the procedure, you change your mind, the full fee is refundable until 2 weeks before the scheduled date. If you cancel less than 2 weeks before the scheduled date, the deposit of $500 becomes non-refundable. If you cancel less than 48 hours before surgery, the full fee is non-refundable.

We understand that some questions may not have been answered here. If so, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-800-92-VASMD and our reversal coordinator will be glad to assist you.

Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago


Presence of Sperm

is the first step towards pregnancy
Your reversal makes it happen

Presence of Sperm

is the first step towards pregnancy
Your reversal makes it happen

Presence of Sperm

is the first step towards pregnancy
Your reversal makes it happen

And then a miracle

The Gift of God
The Joy

And then a miracle

The Gift of God
The Joy

And then a miracle

The Gift of God
The Joy

The love and

The love and

The love and

The joy of a family

The joy of a family

The joy of a family

All this is made possible at

Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago

All this is made possible at

Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago

All this is made possible at

Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago

Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago

The Place Where No SNIP

Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago

We perform Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversals. Dr. Agha has been performing vasectomy reversal for more than 25 years with 99% success rates (when sperm are present during surgery). Dr. Agha is a Board-Certified Urologist. He is a member in good standing of the American Urology Association. In addition, he is a member of the Society for the Study of Male Reproduction’s (SSMR). We perform the reversal under local anesthesia and oral sedation.

Why choose VRCC?

Choice of a surgeon is a critical decision for a successful outcome of a procedure and so is the use of state of the art microscope and properly equipped surgical facility. Read more

What is vasectomy reversal?

Vasectomy reversal is a highly technical procedure in which blocked ends of Vas deferens (after vasectomy) are cut open and reconnected with very fine microsurgical stitches. Read more

What are success rates of reversal?

Success after vasectomy reversal is defined by the “presence of sperm in semen”. If we find sperm during surgery, our success rates are above 99%. Read more

What is the cost of reversal?

We offer a worry-free fixed package price of $7400 for first time reversals, re-dos, vas to vas and vas to epididymis connection. Read more

Is reversal right for me?

A couple can choose between reversal and sperm aspiration with in vitro fertilization. Several factors play a role in this decision making. Read more

How does it work?

Once you make a decision to have vasectomy reversal, you should contact our reversal coordinator by calling at 1-800-92-VASMD. You can also send in an inquiry via email by clicking here.

Life is an amazing complex of twists and turns. It is fascinating to see how the change of heart can make one do things that one thought were never a possibility. When you had vasectomy you were absolutely sure that it was a done deal. Yet life reveals its incredible secrets in new found love or relationships or in some cases, a change in family needs. The desire to bear the fruit of love through the miracle of life and to have a child again after vasectomy is what has brought you to this site.

Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago

Frequently Asked Question

Dr Agha is a Board-certified Urologist with primary focus on the male infertility. He has been performing vasectomy reversals for over 25 years on a regular basis. He uses an extremely high end computerized operating microscope which facilitates this extremely delicate operation. Microsurgical technique is an essential element towards success of vasectomy reversal. Only a handful of dedicated micro-surgeons who have enough patient volume to perform this delicate procedure on regular basis can provide a desirable outcome. At Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago, using state of the art operative microscope, we are committed to restore the patency of vas deferens with 99% success rates if the sperm are detected during surgery.Our center offers a no surprise fixed cost. Our patient’s testimonials and Google review attest to our reputation

If the sperm are found during surgery, our success (defined by the presence of sperm in the semen after reversal) is above 99%.

Vasectomy reversal can be performed even after many years of the blockage. However,the longer the time interval from the vasectomy, the lower the success rates. The chances that sperm will be discovered during surgery vary with time since vasectomy (95 % 1-3 years, 80-85% 4-7 years and 70-75% 8-14 years).

Vasectomy Reversal Center of Chicago

We’re Here For You

Feel free to contact us. We will get back to you shortly.
General Inquiries: office@vasmd.com
Phone: 800-928-2763 (800-92-VASMD)

Book An Appointment

Please call us to ensure if you don't get a response

    Please note, consultations are performed via TeleHealth on Mondays and Tuesdays.
    We will try to accommodate your preferences, but they are not guaranteed.
    Our office will provide suitable alternatives if necessary.

    My vasectomy was over 9.5 years

    My vasectomy was over 9.5 years old and after having three kids I thought I was done, until I met my wife who is younger and had no kids and we wanted children. We are happy to say that we conceived naturally 4 years after my reversal! We did IVF for our first child and thought we would ago for second but conceived naturally despite years after vasectomy reversal and the length of time of my vasectomy. Amazing and we could not be happier with our decision to see Dr Agha for this surgery

    Tom A


    Thank you to Dr. Agha

    Thank you to Dr. Agha and his amazing team. We are happy to announce that 14 months after my procedure we became pregnant and at this point are 6 months along and have never been more thankful and excited. I would recommend VRCC to anyone considering a reversal. We cannot wait for our little girl to arrival. Thank you for making our dreams come true.

    Steven Bowers
